
This section is a collection of my notes taken while reading and learning various of things.

In such age of information boom, we are taking in lots of information everyday. And being a software engineer make it worse since you also have to keep learning loads of new stuff everyday in order to do a better job for the work assigned to you. Sometimes you learn something new but the learning curve forces you to drop it when you not use it regularly.

I just recently started organizing my notes because I want to have a place to serve as a handy reference to look for pieces of information that I need to recall. By putting the notes all together with the ability to search through them, it will save some time for re-learning the stuff I certainly have visited before.

I also enjoy taking notes as it let me grasp and memorize new things faster.

So I am posting my notes here and plan to continue supplying new notes once a while. Hope they can be somewhat a useful reference to you as well 😄.