Linux Terminal Tricks
Some things I found useful when using Linux terminal.
is a must when working with limited screen or terminals. A great tmux-guide.
Execution Control¶
Command - | - Description |
Enter | causes the current command line to be accepted |
Cursor location within the line does not matter | |
If the line is not empty, it is added to the command history | |
Esc | Meta-prefix. If the Alt key is unavailable, the Esc key can be used in its place |
Ctrl-g | Abort the current editing command |
Ctrl-_ | Incrementally undo changes to the line |
Alt-r | Revert all changes to the line |
Ctrl-l | Clear the screen |
Ctrl-c | interrupt current execution |
Ctrl-r | back-ward search commands saved in history |
Editing Control
Command - | - Description |
Alt-f / Alt-rightkey | move forward one word |
Alt-b / Alt-leftkey | move backward one word |
Ctrl-a | move to beginning of the line |
Ctrl-e | move to end of the line |
Ctrl-u | delete chars up to the beginning of the line |
Ctrl-k | delete chars up to the ending of the line |
Text Transformation
Command - | - Description |
Alt-u | Change the current word to uppercase. |
Alt-l | Change the current word to lowercase. |
Alt-c | Capitalize the current word. |
Alt-t | Transpose words. Exchange the word at the point with the word preceding it. |
Alt-. | recall the last argument from the previous command's argument list |
Beautify Terminal Outlook¶
Modify the ~/.bashrc
to set a preferred terminal style.
The $PS1
bash env var represents the primary prompt string which is displayed when the shell is ready to read a command.
It takes the form of PS1="[\u@\H \W] \$ "
Find the full documentation of supported special chars in man bash
, at the section PROMPTING. Here are some of them that is frequently used:
Char - | - Description |
\u | username of current user |
\h | hostname up to the first dot in this machine's domain name |
\H | display the Full Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) |
\W | basename of current working directory |
\$ | if root display '#', else display '$' |
\! | display the history number of current command |
\D{<date-format>} | add formatted time of current timestamp |
You can change 3 aspects of the terminal outlook:
Text Format - | - Text color - | - Text-background color |
0: normal text | 30: black | 40: black |
1: bold | 31: red | 41: red |
4: underlined | 32: green | 42: green |
33: yellow | 43: yellow | |
34: blue | 44: blue | |
35: purple | 45: purple | |
36: cyan | 46: cyan | |
37: white | 47: white |
To modify the text with the styles, use a format of \e[<bg-color>;<format>;<txt-color>m
If you need to change multiple parts of the prompt to use different styles, then use multiple \e[;;m
followed by the parts.
PS1="\e[41;4;33m[\u@\h \W] \$ "
Rename file without typing the full path twice: mv /path/to/file{,.bak}
the special syntax {,.bak}
tells shell to repeat the full string with two substrings, one is empty and the other is .bak
, which is the same as doing mv /path/to/file /path/to/file.bak
Useful aliases¶
# colorize/prettify some commands output
alias diff='colordiff' # (need to install colordiff)
alias egrep='egrep --color=auto'
alias fgrep='fgrep --color=auto'
alias grep='grep --color=auto'
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
alias ct='column -t'
alias dfc='df -hPT | column -t'
alias mountc='mount | column -t'
# quick cd
alias ..='cd ..'
alias 2..='cd ../../'
alias 3..='cd ../../../'
alias 4..='cd ../../../../'
alias ...='cd ../../../'
alias ....='cd ../../../../'
# quick clipboard (need to install xclip)
alias setclip="xclip -selection c"
alias getclip="xclip -selection c -o"
# datetime
alias d='date +%F'
alias t='date +%T'
alias dt='date +"%F %T"'
alias now='date +"[%F %T]"'
# k8s alias
alias kv='kubectl version'
alias getcontexts='kubectl config get-contexts'
alias usecontext='kubectl config use-context'
alias setnamespace='kubectl config set-context --current --namespace='
alias getpo='kubectl get pods'
alias getdep='kubectl get deployments'
alias getsvc='kubectl get services'
alias getrs='kubectl get replicasets'
alias execit='kubectl exec -it'
alias despo='kubectl describe pod'
alias desdep='kubectl describe deployment'
alias logs='kubectl logs'